
Moss Merchant Event

19 JUNE 2024


The first edition of the Moss Merchant event has arrived at DevilzMu EXtreme! The Moss Merchant is a mysterious figure who occasionally appears in the bustling city of Elbeland. This NPC offers a diverse selection of items, catering to all classes and meeting the needs of adventurers. His stock is varied, including everything from basic equipment to rare and valuable items, all available in exchange for a sum of Zen.

The unpredictable nature of the Moss Merchant makes his offers vary in quality, providing players with an exciting and expectation-filled experience with each purchase. Get ready to explore the offers of this itinerant merchant and discover the treasures he holds in his caravan.

The Moss Merchant appears at scheduled times on the Elbeland map, at coordinates 22, 226. He awaits ambitious buyers who desire his goods for the amount of 200mi (200.000.000) Zen. The Moss Merchant will be available at 01:30 UTC and 13:30 UTC, on servers Ex1, Ex2, Ex3, V1, V2, and V3, remaining for a period of 15 minutes. After this time, he leaves and returns only at the next scheduled time.

Below are the items available for sale, separated by classes. Besides the list of available items further below (drop list), we applied a unique customization: Sales are separated by classes. When the system draws any Socket, Excellent, or Ancient item, it will come exclusively for the class of the chosen group.

See below the groups related to each class:

Blade Knight
Magic Gladiator
Soul Master
Magic Gladiator
Muse Elf Summoner Dark Lord
The drop of Socket, Excellent, or Ancient items for the chosen class is based on a success/draw chance conducted by the system, and may include parts of the set, weapons, or shields.

Various rewards are available at the Moss Merchant and can be obtained by any player. By acquiring one of the available groups according to the chosen class, the draw is conducted by the system, and the obtained item is delivered directly to your character's inventory. The exception is buffs and scrolls, which will be inserted directly into the Gremory Case.

Below is the list of items available (drop list) from the Moss Merchant in this edition:

Socket Items (Per class group) Sphere Di or Tri (Early Access)
Seeds (Random) Ancient Tier 1-2
Brova (Special Moss) Chromatic Staff (Special Moss)
Airleen Bow (Special Moss) Raven Stick (Special Moss)
Striker Scepter (Special Moss) Excellent Items (Per class group)
Indulgence Pet Skeleton
Skeleton Transformation Ring Jewel's
Invisibility Cloak Devil's Invitation
Scroll of Battle Scroll of Strength
Scroll of Defense Scroll of Healing
Scroll of Wizardry Scroll of Mana
Scroll of Health [Bound] Bless of Light (Middle Grade)
[Bound] Bless of Light (Low Grade)    
The Tri Sphere is exclusive to this event. It is not yet available through common drops on the server, making this the only way to obtain it in advance before its official release. Don't miss this opportunity to get ahead!
It is worth noting that, according to the class group you acquire from the Moss Merchant, if you are fortunate enough to obtain a Socket, Excellent, or Ancient item, it will correspond to the class of the acquired group, as mentioned above.

The Moss Merchant will be in the EXtreme realm from June 19, 2024, to June 26, 2024. Sales will occur for 15 minutes every day during the above period, always at 01:30 UTC and 13:30 UTC on the servers: Ex1, Ex3, Ex5, V1, V2, and V3.

There will be global announcements (on the servers mentioned above) minutes before the event and during the sales period.